Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I have been busy the last few days getting ready for new carpet in the house and a trip to Pigeon Forge. I have been working on drinking less soda and more water. I know I didn't get this way overnite so I don't know why I think it can be changed overnite. I want to thank my new friend Dawn for keeping in touch with me and giving me support and advice. I need it. When I read her blog and e-mails I feel motivated and I see that I'm not to far gone and if I stick to my guns and set some rules for myself I will be able to get this right this time. And I also see that it's ok to fall off the wagon sometimes just as long as I get up and get back on it:) Happy Thanksgiving Blog World♥

Monday, November 8, 2010

Still here

I am still here. I have requested some info from a local Tops chapter and I have been getting support from a friend through e-mail (TY). I have also asked my mother-inlaw to join tops with me. I think she is going to. Right now my goal is to drink more water and continue to de-clutter my life. I may also start doing a walk away the pounds video that I have had for years. I actually used to to that video everyday at my old job on my break. I liked it. I'm also starting to keep track of my calories.