Monday, November 8, 2010

Still here

I am still here. I have requested some info from a local Tops chapter and I have been getting support from a friend through e-mail (TY). I have also asked my mother-inlaw to join tops with me. I think she is going to. Right now my goal is to drink more water and continue to de-clutter my life. I may also start doing a walk away the pounds video that I have had for years. I actually used to to that video everyday at my old job on my break. I liked it. I'm also starting to keep track of my calories.

1 comment:

  1. I used my WATP videos a lot and even now just a short time ago I actually got Mike to do it with me a few times. I think it's a great way to get back into the grove of exercise because you can just stop when you want to. Sounds like you have a plan. I missed reading this yesterday sorry.
