Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We are all sick with the crud..My daughter and I are getting ready to start our second round of antibotics. We have had this on and off for a month. The good thing is I haven't really felt like eating but the bad thing is I haven't gotten any excersize. I did weigh myself on Saturday and I'm 340 pounds. This is the most I have ever weighed. I will continue to weigh in once a week. I have been thinking about joining Weigh Watchers or Tops. I will have to do some research there. Thanks for the encouragement(Dawn).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly and your daughter too. Hope the crud goes away soon. I go through that at different times of the year with bronchitis.

    I would highly recommend TOPS *smile*. You can go on and look for a meeting in your area. It's much cheaper than WW at only $26 a year and like $3-5 a month in chapter dues. I know when I first started it's what really kept me going knowing I had a weekly weigh-in. Right from the beginning I made the rule never to miss a meeting either and didn't for the first whole year and even now I seldom miss a meeting. Feel better.
